Photography Workshop and Retreat

As soon as I stepped into the living room of the grand old inn, I knew it was the perfect location for our Life Exposed still life photography workshop and retreat. There were loads of huge, beautiful windows with large window-seat style ledges allowing the soft light to stream inside. It was roomy and cozy at the same time. Each individual bedroom was decorated so tastefully and included a private bath for each attendee. The courtyard, the kitchen, and the dining area all added to the ambiance of the old home.As the attendees arrived and settled in, I set about arranging all the still life props and materials that we'd be using for the next few days. My friend and chef extraordinaire, Kathy, began putting the kitchen area in order to accommodate the delicious meals we would be enjoying during the retreat. Once settled in, our first evening was a warm meet-and-greet getting to know one another over a yummy meal complete with wine and dessert. The workshop was off to a great start. 

Day 1  -  Photography Workshop and Retreat

For the next three days, attendees participated in a morning lesson summarized in a small workbook. Then they set-up their own still life to photograph while I circulated answering questions and offering guidance where needed. We also  made time on this Monday morning to check out the gift bags. A huge thank you to our generous sponsors!After the morning session, it was time for lunch. We ate in and then we were off on our first field trip of the workshop to Table Top Farm. Here we were able to locate and photograph our own 'found' still life subjects using the guidelines of the first lesson.attendees photographing found still life at photography workshop After exploring Table Top Farm, we headed back to our inn for another lesson, set-up, and shoot session. I modeled the lesson for the attendees, and then it was their turn. After an informative discussion, we headed to a local restaurant for dinner. As we gathered around the table the discussions continued. What a warm, friendly, fun bunch! 

Day 2  -  Still Life Photography

Tuesday's agenda was similar to Monday. Lesson, set-up, and shoot after a scrumptious breakfast. However, that day, we had lunch in town and explored the community garden and all the other interesting businesses there. The shopkeepers were most generous in allowing us to photograph in their shops. There were plenty of opportunities for found still life of all kinds.Then we headed to two local flower gardens where there was an abundance of gorgeous flowers just waiting to be photographed. Next, it was back to the inn for another lesson, set-up, discussion, and incredible dinner. Kathy went above and beyond with her culinary talents. She definitely spoiled us! 

Day 3  -  Photography Workshop and Retreat

Wednesday brought another delicious breakfast of baked french toast and all the fixings. Then we went right to work with another lesson, set-up, guidance, shoot, and discussion. It was such an amazing sight for me to see how the lessons were being applied in each attendees' set-up. Thereafter, we had our lunch and were off to another field trip. This time we went to a dairy where they produce their own cheese.After touring the dairy, we were treated to a cheese tasting on the patio of the corporate offices. How decadent it felt... and oh, so, yummy! The cheeses were available for purchase, so you know we took some back with us! cheese tasting at Life Exposed still life photography workshop and retreat Here we are in the feed barn at the dairy.attendees of the Life Exposed photography workshop

Once we were back at the inn, I gave a very brief overview lesson. It was now time for the participants to set up their last still life photography subject and show me what they'd learned. This time I had them work on a group set-up. They incorporated the lessons which resulted in a most amazing subject to photograph. Well done, ladies! 

Photography Workshop Goodbyes

On our final morning, it was time for packing, enjoying one more delicious meal, a quick editing lesson, and then saying our goodbyes. What an amazing, fun group with whom to work. I will never forget our time together and the friendships that were made! And because this post would not be complete without seeing some of their work, here are a few of their set-up still life subjects along with some of the 'found' subjects they photographed during the Life Exposed photography workshop and retreat.

examples of still life photography from Life Exposed workshop

examples of still life photography from Life Exposed retreat

examples of still life photography from Life Exposed workshop and retreat

still life photography by attendee from Life Exposed workshop

Testimony from Pat  ~  Life Exposed Still Life Photography Workshop and Retreat

"Are you interested in Still Life photography? You owe it to yourself to do a workshop with Nadeen Flynn. I recently had the good fortune to attend her workshop and retreat, "Life Exposed". From the moment we arrived at the beautiful house to the day we left, we were treated like royalty. Lovely light filled rooms and meals prepared to perfection.
Nadeen had every detail of this retreat planned and organized. We all learned so much from the lessons. We each received a prepared catalog with each day's lessons spelled out. Nadeen would set up an example and we would then do our own set ups to photograph. If we had questions she took as much time as we needed to help us with whatever we struggled with. The planned outings to local places of interest were an added bonus. This gave us the opportunity to do "found still lifes". Everyday was filled with lessons, down time to just be in the space and wonderful meals.
This was one of the best experiences I have had on a workshop/retreat. Thank you Nadeen."


Our Sponsors

Made on 23rd            Miller's Professional Imaging               Bay Photo              Color Inc

           Artifact Uprising            CG Pro Prints



Are you looking for a break in your everyday? Join me for my next Life Exposed still life photography workshop and retreat on the northern California coast in 2019. All levels are welcome. It's a still life workshop, a retreat, a getaway, a time to bond with other female photographers, a chance to explore and photograph the area.Find out more here:  Life Exposed 


All landscape, fine art, and still life images are available for purchase.

Please CONTACT ME at to purchase prints or schedule your portrait session.

Nadeen Flynn is a published, award winning northern California fine art and portrait photographer. Living in the greater Sacramento area, she specializes in fine art landscape and still life photography as well as high school senior, teen and family portraits. Nadeen’s style is authentic, fresh and personality-driven. This retains the timeless features of photography that create family heirlooms. She offers in-person workshops, hourly lessons, and mentoring. While currently living in rural northern California with her husband and a couple thousand walnut trees, she posts regularly to Instagram.

Currently booking high school seniors, couples, and family portraits. Locations include Yuba City/Marysville, East Nicolaus, Wheatland, Lincoln, Woodland, Roseville, Rocklin, and Sacramento areas.

(530) 633-7575



Mono Lake Landscape


Scones | northern California still life photographer