Today is the Day | Personal Post Remembered

I find myself thinking of Loree today.  She's been gone now for nine years.  Nine years that feel like an eternity, and just like yesterday as well. I wrote this post last year on her birthday. It all still rings true for me. I'm declaring today "Remembering Loree Day". 


 Today is the day.  Today is the day of the anniversary of my sister's birth. June 12. Yet, she's not here to celebrate it.  She entered this world on this date, but she left eight years ago in April.  How can I describe those eight years she's been gone?  It's been painful, empty.  Part of me is missing.  She was the one who could often make me laugh until I cried, and then of course couldn't stop.  You know?  She had these expressions and 'attitudes' in body language that were just so her - the head tilt, the eye roll, the 'tsk'.  She was intelligent, savvy, and so witty with a wonderful sense of humor.  She was generous, benevolent, thoughtful, likable, and giving of herself.  She was outgoing in a stealth sort of way, but often tried to stay out of the spotlight.  To say that I miss her doesn't quite express how I feel.   I don't usually share much in writing about this sort of thing, but today I feel the need.Have you seen those posts on FB that say ... If you have a sister that you love and don't know what you'd do without, post this on your timeline...  or something to that effect.  Well, I do know what I'd do without her.  I am without her and there's not one thing I can do about it.  I miss the phone calls, the emails, the vacations with just the two of us.  I miss the baking, golf, projects, and the talks.  Oh, yes, the talks about family matters and all the reminiscing.  And the laughing.  Lord, do I miss laughing with her.She is one of the reasons I became a photographer.  SHE was the family photographer, so I never really took many photos while she was alive, except for snapshots of my kids.  So, sadly, there aren't many photos of her around since she was behind the camera, and there are so very few of us together.  After she passed away I took it upon myself to start taking more pictures of our family gatherings and activities.  Now it's blossomed into this.  I'm still intent on learning all I can. I often wonder if I would be involved in photography as I am now had she not passed away.  I guess I'll never know, but I expect not.  Thanks for leaving me such a wonderful gift, Lor.  Among all the material things I have to remember you by, I embrace your gift of photography the most.  Even in your death you continue to give me so much.  My rock.  My confidant.  My best friend. And so much Winnie the Pooh Christopher Robin making memories funAnd, to give you all an example of her humor, she created this 'magazine' cover of us:sistersThis one she titled "No Wrinkles".  Huh?sisters NoWrinklesTogether in the Komen Race for the Cure.Komen Race for the CureLittleslittleslittles in BWAnd, that look on her face in the last picture?  Yup, she kept that.  This is one of my favorites.I miss you, Lor, today on your birthday and every other day as well.


Hometown Part 4 | northern California photographer


Perspective Week 14 | northern California photographer