Fresh Produce from Garden to Table
still life still life

Fresh Produce from Garden to Table

Looking for a photography subject? Not sure what to photograph? Do your kids and grandkids or pets run and hide when the camera comes out? Look no further than your own garden, the farmers' market, and yes, even the grocery store for fantastic photography subjects.

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My gardens still managed to show off this summer!
Fine Art Fine Art

My gardens still managed to show off this summer!

Last winter and spring, I prepared my vegetable and flower garden plots for the upcoming growing season. Nothing too big nor fancy, but just the right size to enjoy. With all plans I still just never know what the end result may look like. As well intentioned as I am about caring for my gardens, they sometimes end up being neglected.

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5 Tips For Planning Your Photo-Worthy Garden
still life still life

5 Tips For Planning Your Photo-Worthy Garden

Spring is arriving soon, you're about to plant your garden, and you know you'll want to photograph it. From the tiny details through a macro lens, or the expanse that you can capture with a wide angle, there are some tips for planning your photo worthy garden that will give you some wonderful options.

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